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A Finley 2000-ben alakult Milánóban.

Négy tagja van: Dani, Ka, Ste és Pedro.

Több kis és nagy lemezük van, albumaik: Tutto é possibile (2006) és Adrenalina (2007). Kislemezek: Tutto é possibile (2005), Diventerai una star (2006), Sole di settembre/Fumo e cenere (2006) és Adrenalina (2007).


Ka és Dani kezdetben egy legnanoi pincében játszott rockot, Ste és Pedro egy grunge bandában. A 4 srác 2000-ben ismerkedett meg össze a Zeneakadémián. Ekkor született meg a Finley. Minden alkalmat megragadtak, hogy közönség előtt játszhassanak és megismerjék őket. 2004-ben, még az egyetemen, elkészítették a „Make up your own mind” videót, Marco Lammana segítségével. Először 2005-ben figyelt fel rájuk Claudi Cechetto, aki aláírta velük az első lemezszerződésüket. Felvették a „Make up your own mind” olasz verzióját, a „Tutto é possibile” rögtön az olasz slágerlisták élére került. A Finley megkezdte a turnéját az országban. Az első album 2006. május 31-én került a boltokba, angol és olasz dalokkal, rögtön elkapkodták a lemezeket. Júliusban adták ki a „special edition” verziót (különleges kiadás), amin a „Dentro la Scatola” című szám is rajta volt. Az album elérte az olasz toplisták első helyét. Minden számot a srácok írtak, és Daniele Persoglio, akit a banda ötödik tagjaként emlegetnek. Szeptemberben jött ki a „Sole di Settembre” single cd-jük. Ezek után bezsebeltek jó néhány díjat, a „Tutto é Possibile” pedig platinalemez lett. 2007-ben készült el a második album, az „Adrenalina”, 10 olasz és 2 angol számmal. (Az előzőn majdnem minden szám két nyelven található meg.) Úgy tűnik a siker változatlan :D

A Finley zenei stílusa… HardPop. Állítólag ezt a műfajt ők teremtették, de valószínűleg ez az elnevezés illik a legjobban a dalaikhoz. (Bár szerény véleményem szerint bőven van rock, pop-rock illetve punk-rock beütése. Plusz kicsit Simple Plan feeling, szal a stílus is olyan :P ) Van egy Finley idézet is, amit a banda elvileg gyakran ismételget, hogy „A lemezen inkább pop van, de az élettől inkább ’hard’ lesz.” Ja igen, és maga a zene nagy adag energiát is sugároz :)

 És még talán annyit, hogy a banda neve egy bizonyos Michael Finley NBA kosarasé, de nem annyira a kosarazásra, mint a „minőségre” vonatkozik.


Diszkográfia a híreknél!!!

háttt... jelenlegi értesültségem szerint ez a magyar Finley leírás az elsők között van, és fordítottam az alább idézett eredetikből, de csak nagy vonalakban. majdnem ugyanezt feltettem a Wikipediára is. szerintem ez azért jó sok mindent ír a Finley-ről, de szó szerint nem áll szándékomban az egész "életrajzot" lefordítani. plusz "magyarosítottam", úgy értem, h azért magyarul is egész jól hangozzon. úgyh reklamációkat nem fogadok XD és ha tudsz angolul vagy olaszul, akkor...

Bővebb infókért átfuthatod az angol és olasz verziót is:


- Carmine, aka "Ka'", guitar and voice, studies Political Science at University. He loves drawing and hates having a cold.
- Danilo, drums and voice, is also 20 years old, studies at Law School, loves the SK8R look, cannot stand maths.
- Marco, known as "Pedro", is the singer and studies psychology at University. His likes and dislikes: Tim Burton and alarm clocks.
- Stefano, "Ste", is the bass player and does Communication Studies at University. Ste loves snowboarding and hates yellow cars.

Michael Finley is the name of an NBA player but the boys are not into basket particularly, the choice, they explained, is more to do with the musical quality of the name itself.

While Ka and Dany used to play rock in a cellar in Legnano, in the suburbs of Milan, Ste and Pedro played in a grunge band. They all met in 2000 at the Accademia della Musica and decided to play together.

Finley (all born in 1985) started off like any other band: practice session, some competitions, supporting other bands, music festivals, they took any opportunity to play in public. With practice and an increasing number of public performances, their sound becomes distinctive and was labelled "hard pop" to fit their music, which is a mixture of energy and voice, intertwined in an original and peculiar way.

While they were still all at University, the boys decided to record a demo version of "Make up your mind", and start the usual tour of independent and major record companies. With the help of a friend and movie director, Marco Lamanna, they also filmed a video. Many demos were sent but… unfortunately no answer came.

In 2005, Claudio Cecchetto saw their video in a recording studio, call them up and Finley signed their first Recording Contract.
They recorded "Tutto e' possibile", which is the Italian version of "Make up your mind", their debut single on Capitol/EMI.

The video for "Tutto e' possibile" was directed by Gaetano Morbioli and the single climbed the official Italian charts while the video became a permanent feature of the video chart program "TRL Top Ten" on MTV. Last February Finley started their nation-wide Italian tour.

On 31st May 2006, the album "TUTTO E' POSSIBILE" was released on Capitol/EMI, with a track-list made up of songs in Italian and English. In July, Finley released the "Special Edition", including the song "Dentro la Scatola" featuring Mondo Marcio. The album reached top ten in the Italian official charts.

All the songs on the album were written by the band and Daniele Persoglio, who is considered by the boys the "fifth member" and is responsible for the Music Production. Executive Production is in the hands of Claudio Cecchetto and Pier Paolo Peroni.

Finley are pure musical energy. Listening is believing




Finley is an Italian pop/punk group, they were formed in Milan in 2000. The band is of 4 guys from Legnano, a town near Milan. The band got its name from NBA star, Michael Finley.

In 2006, the group won in the category for best Italian Act at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2006 in Copenhagen, beating acts like Jovanotti, Tiziano Ferro, Lacuna Coil and Mondo Marcio, and on 14th April 2007 they won in the category Italians Do It Better, Best Lacrima Awards and Best Number One Of The Year at the MTV TRL Awards (Italy) 2007.

Finley released their single "Fumo e cenere" on TRL (Total Request Live) on the 24th November 2006, the day which in the shops, they released a DVD+CD combo of all the work in 2006.

The band is particularly active on the road, they were on tour non-stop in 2006, putting on over the year over 60 concerts all around Italy

It all begins with Danilo Calvio, aka Dani, who used to play rock with Ka (Carmine Ruggiero) in a basement in Legnano, while Ste (Stefano Mantegazza) and Pedro (Marco Pedretti), who had known each other since childhood, they use to play Grunge music. In 2000 Dani, Ka and Pedro met each other at university where they had classes together, while Ste is a childhood friend of Pedro who eventually met the others. In 2002 the four of them formed Finley and, like all new groups they started their life with competitions, parties, auditions, gaining support... In 2004 recorded a demo of Make up your own mind and a low budget video and in 2005 they came into contact with Claudio Cecchetto, helped them debut by signing their single with Capitol/EMI, Tutto è possibile, the Italian version of Make up your own mind. From this moment onwards people started to talk of Finley. Their album of the same name was released on 31 March 2006. All the songs on the album are composed by Finley and the musical production was contracted to Daniele Persoglio. The artistic production bears the signature of Claudio Cecchetto and Pier Paolo Peroni.

In May, they worked with Mondo Marcio for Dentro alla scatola. Finley are considered as the HardPop genre of music which is made up from intense melodies and energy throughout the song. In June they were on stage for Jamming Festival 2006 and opened the concert on the first day (Guest Star: Depeche Mode). Diventerai una star is their second single. Finley participated at various summer shows of Festivalbar earning an invitation to participate also at the finals which were held in Verona. In September, they released Sole di settembre as a CD Single with video.

Their concert at Jesolo for Coca Cola Live was aired on MTV during prime time. They won the award for best Italian Music Video in the newcomers category in 2006 and in November they won the Best Italian Act Award at the MTV Europe Music Awards held in Copenhagen. For the opening of the Italian version of Nickelodeon's Kids Choice Awards, Finley wrote and performed the theme song. Part of their CLUB TOUR 2006/2007, organised by Barley Arts. Initially 15 concerts were planned, this number was then doubled. This also doubled the publicity received by the band. Since the day Finley's album was released, it continues to be present in the popularity rankings. Through its sales it became a Gold Disc and then a Platinum Disc. In January they concluded the tour "Tutto è possibile 2006/2007", after some months out of the limelight, on 14 April, they attended the TRL Awards (Italy) 2007 and performed their new single Niente da perdere



Ka e Dani suonavano rock in una cantina di Legnano, mentre Ste e Pedro facevano grunge. Nel 2000 si conoscono grazie all'Accademia della Musica e decidono di suonare insieme. I Finley (classe 1985) iniziano quindi la loro gavetta come tutti i nuovi gruppi: sala prove, concorsi, supporter, feste… ogni palco e buono per suonare.Nel 2004 frequentano insieme l'Universita e, tra un esame e l'altro, registrano il demo di "Make up your own mind" e un video low badget.

Nel 2005 vengono contattati da Claudio Cecchetto e realizzano il loro cd singolo di debutto con Capitol/Emi. "Tutto e possibile" la versione italiana di "Make up your own mind".Si comincia a parlare dei FINLEY. Il singolo "Tutto e possibile" entra nella classifica di vendita in Italia e il video e costantemente nella Top Ten di TRL (MTV). Da Febbraio 2006 inizia anche il "Tour Live" nei Clubs di tutta Italia. Il primo album dei Finley "TUTTO E POSSIBILE" viene pubblicato il 31 Marzo 2006. Contiene brani in italiano e in inglese. L'Album entra nella TOP 10 degli album piu venduti in Italia raggiungendo la 4a posizione. Tutte le canzoni dell'album sono composte dai Finley e la produzione musicale e stata affidata a Daniele Persoglio. La produzione artistica porta la firma di Claudio Cecchetto e Pier Paolo Peroni.

A Maggio la collaborazione con Mondo Marcio per "Dentro alla scatola". Con i Finley nasce l’ HardPop! Melodie intense e trascinanti su una musica carica di energia. Come spesso dice la Band “ Sul disco siamo piu Pop e dal vivo siamo piu Hard”.

A giugno sono sul palco del Jamming Festival 2006 ad aprire i concerti della prima giornata (Guest Star: Depeche Mode).

"Diventerai una star" e il loro secondo singolo. I Finley partecipano alle varie tappe estive del Festivalbar e alla finale dall'Arena di Verona. A settembre esce…"Sole di settembre" Cd Single e Video.

Il loro Concerto di Jesolo per CocaCola Live viene trasmesso in prima serata da MTV. A novembre vengono premiati a Copenhagen come "Best Italian Act" agli MTV Europe Music Awards.

Parte il loro "CLUB TOUR 2006/2007". L’album TUTTO E’ POSSIBILE diventa "Disco di Platino".

Vincono il "Premio Videoclip Italiano 2006" nella categoria "Esordienti". "TUTTO E POSSIBILE" CD+DVD. In questa special-edition dell'album sono contenute anche alcune cover che la Band suona dal vivo in tour e la videografia ufficiale. In questo CD+DVD c'e tutto il 2006 dei Finley!

Nel 2007 iniziano le registrazioni del nuovo album. Ai Trl Awards in piazza Duomo a Milano presentano in anteprima “Niente da perdere” di fronte ad un pubblico di oltre 100.000 persone. Il nuovo album e piu “hard” del primo e non a caso e stato intitolato ADRENALINA. Il singolo di presentazione e proprio il brano ADRENALINA, 3 minuti di energia per anticipare il contenuto del nuovo CD, con 10 pezzi in Italiano e 2 in Inglese.

Con l’album anche il Live… ADRENALINA TOUR organizzato da Milano Concerti. Quest’anno anche le prime tappe live all’estero dove i Finley sono stati chiamati ai piu importanti Festival Europei.


ADRENALINA e il nuovo video realizzato da Gaetano Morbioli

ADRENALINA e il nuovo album

ADRENALINA e il nuovo tour




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Indulás: 2006-09-17

try.hu-s számláló just 4 fun XD

látogató van perpill.

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nagyon cool! XD
hát.. jó...
nem rossz
lehetne jobb is... sokkal
pocsék... töröld le
egyáltalán nem tetszik
talán jó lesz, ha minden modul végre valahára kész
bőven van még rajt mit dolgozni
jó x)
lesz ez még így se
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